Fireworks can be a very distressing thing for cats to deal with, with the combination of loud banging and flashing lights. Many animals have far more acute hearing, than their human companions, making noise more amplified. Here are a few tips, to help to alleviate some of the stress from the situation.
Microchips: Check that your cat's microchip details are all up to date. Have you moved since they were registered? Have you got a new phone number?

Check the exits! Ensure that all windows and doors are securely shut, so that any cats can't escape and get into trouble.
Cat Flaps: As soon as it starts to get dark, shut your cat safely inside with a litter tray, so that they don't need to go outside to go to the toilet. Securely lock and block off any cat flaps.
Inside: Keep pets indoors, with all curtains/blinds closed, and lights on-this will help the flashes to seem less obvious. If this is not possible for pets in outdoor hutches, cover the hutches with tarpaulin, and provide extra nesting materials for additional warmth and protection.
Sound Distractions: Keep a radio or television on, with the volume fairly high, to disguise the loud sounds.

Enrichment & Distracting: Keep pets occupied, with their favourite games, toys, or treats.
Calming Products: Use a calming plug-in at home, such as a herbal based Pet Remedy or pheromone products, and they also do sprays for targeting specific areas, such as pet beds, in smaller pet hutches. You can also get some calming supplements or remedies which can help, but if your cat really doesn't cope well, talk to your Veterinarian, about what medications they can prescribe.
Desensitisation: CD’s are available, with the sounds of fireworks, to allow pets to become used to the sounds, which can be played in the home environment. This work must start well in advance, though, starting at a very low volume, and very gradually turning it up over time, and we highly recommend working with a qualified, positive trainer for support.
Remember, fear is an emotion, and we can't reinforce emotions, so it's completely fine to comfort our pets if that's what they want.